In 1863 The New York Times published an enthusiastic review, noting that the author brought the “old Christmas … of bygone centuries and remote manor houses, into the living rooms of the poor of today”. Other writers, including Kelly, consider that Dickens put forward a “secular vision of this sacred holiday”. From a secular viewpoint, the cultural historian Penne analytical essay help Restad suggests that Scrooge’s redemption underscores “the conservative, individualistic and patriarchal aspects” of Dickens’s “Carol philosophy” of charity and altruism. There are literary precursors for Scrooge in Dickens’s own works. Douglas-Fairhurst sees that the minor character Gabriel Grub from The Pickwick Papers was also an influence when creating Scrooge.

  • In 1863 The New York Times published an enthusiastic review, noting that the author brought the “old Christmas … of bygone centuries and remote manor houses, into the living rooms of the poor of today”.
  • Dickens’s attitudes towards organised religion were complex; he based his beliefs and principles on the New Testament.
  • After their visits, Scrooge is transformed into a kinder, gentler man.
  • He decided the best way to reach his audience with his “Carol philosophy” was by public readings.
  • Pierpont Morgan for an undisclosed sum and is now held by the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
  • When he asks the spirit to show a single person who feels emotion over his death, he is only given the pleasure of a poor couple who rejoice that his death gives them more time to put their finances in order.
  • After the ghost leaves, Scrooge pledges to be a new man and to make up for his mistakes.

This novella explores the many diverse types of life in the harsh Victorian era. From the Rich cruel citizens to the poor of poor like the Cratchit family. Growing up in an environment of monetary comfort but little love, Scrooge ages into a cold-hearted miser. Yet growing up in a world of much love and little money, the youngest Cratchit possesses the kindest soul in the story. Overall, Rossetti presents to us her depiction of the Nativity of Jesus through her own distinctive style and voice. The way in which Rossetti inserts her personas directly into the narrative allows a more intimate and unique experience, a method which she has utilised in her other poems such as Good Friday. In conclusion, Christina Rossetti’s devotional poems not only touch upon the subject of divinity but also upon the roles of different genders and worshippers.

A Christmas Carol Pee Overview Worksheet

Scrooge completes the circle by leaving his supernatural world and returning to the regular one to atone for his mistakes and become a better man in his normal life. One night after returning from work, Scrooge receives a visit from the ghost of his old business partner that died 10 years analytical essay help ago. He tells Scrooge how he has to wear chains and continuously travel throughout the world because he lived such a bad life. He warns Scrooge that the same will happen to him if he doesn’t change. This is the start of the change in Scrooge’s attitude and perspective on the world.

It is obvious there is relief all across town that this stubborn man has finally died. Scrooge is appalled and begs the Ghost to reveal the identity of the dead man. Finally, the last place the Spirit takes him is the Churchyard. The Ghost pointed downward to the grave by which is stood and upon seeing his name on the tombstone, Scrooge cries that he is not the man was.

A Christmas Carol

You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them. Using the essay topics below in conjunction with the list ofimportant quotes from “A Christmas Carol”on our quotes page, you should have no trouble connecting with the text and writing an excellent essay. ‘A Christmas Carol’ is a novella written by Charles Dickens in 1843, the novella follows the journey of a stingy protagonist -Scrooge- and his many epiphanies that lead him to eventually understand the paramount role of family, joy and social… compare and contrast essay outline A Christmas Carol is a story of how Ebenezer Scrooge changes from a miserable man who had no one to care for and no one to care for him. Then After his encounter with the three spirits on Christmas eve he turned into a loving, caring, generous man. Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol illustrates many themes of the victorian era.

So, during times of vast wealth disparity, authors have a duty to highlight these separations, and also to present the ethical argument that it best for the rich to treat the poor in a charitable and generous way. Victorian England is not unlike the world today, where billions of people are poor, while the richest 1% own more than half of all the money and resources. Because of this major problem, which is present now and then, it is necessary to return to Victorian literature to describe how best to respond to these problems today. Both A Christmas Carol and The Moonstone show the different ethical ideas, especially about how the rich should treat the poor. However, from the ethics of how the rich should treat the poor, both in ideal and aspirational ethics, these novels differ in their presentation of the value of the so-called ‘golden rule’, and the idealized view in The Moonstone is more effective. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, presents the theme that even the most despicable people are capable of changing for the better. The main character of the story, Ebenezer Scrooge, is known as a very selfish, stingy and cruel man.

A Criticism Of Christmas By A Capitalist In “a Christmas Carol”

When the play starts out, Scrooge’s nephew comes to visit him and invite him to have dinner at his house with his wife for Christmas, as he does every year. Scrooge rudely declines his offer, as he does every year, and dismisses him by saying humbug every time he says Merry Christmas. Right off the bat, we see that Scrooge is not a very nice person and that he synthesis essay structure doesn’t like Christmas. We also see that he is a very business focused man who doesn’t have any interest in things that don’t give him value. Later in the play, we see that Scrooge’s wife left him because he only saw things as a gain or loss. She says that although he might be sad for a short time, he will move on very quickly and just write it off as a loss.

  • Scrooge wakes up the next morning on Christmas and rejoices that he’s still alive and has time to make up for his mistakes.
  • Dickens, aged 12, was forced to pawn his collection of books, leave school and work at a dirty and rat-infested shoe-blacking factory.
  • Their figures also reflect Dickens’ interest in “the narrative possibilities of the communication between the living and the dead” .
  • The two figures were created to arouse sympathy with readers—as was Tiny Tim.
  • This first ghost represents memory and its ability to tie all of one’s life together.

The following day he gives Cratchit an increase in pay, and begins to become a father figure to Tiny Tim. From then on Scrooge treats everyone with kindness, generosity and compassion, a christmas carol essay embodying the spirit of Christmas. A Christmas Carol opens on a bleak, cold Christmas Eve in London, seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooge’s business partner, Jacob Marley.


The cruel speech and actions of Scrooge at the beginning of the novel set up for the arrival of Marley and the three Ghosts of Christmas. Throughout the 1951 adaptation Scrooge, and the novel by Charles Dickens on which it is based, A Christmas Carol, several themes such as the supernatural and poverty are explored through the character of Scrooge. However, the a christmas carol essay film version makes room for many new aspects of his personality through actions not described in the book and differences to the original text. This essay will explore how the some of the film’s choices to add or extend scenes impacts the viewer’s perception of Scrooge. In the second stave Scrooge is visited by the first ghost, the Ghost of Christmas past.

It was Dickens’s most popular book in the United States, and sold over two million copies in the hundred years following its first publication there. As the result of the disagreements with Chapman and Hall over the commercial failures of Martin Chuzzlewit, Dickens arranged to pay for the publishing himself, in exchange for a percentage of the profits. The first printing contained drab olive endpapers that Dickens felt were unacceptable, and the publisher Chapman and Hall quickly replaced them with yellow endpapers, but, once replaced, those clashed with the title page, which was then redone. The final product was bound in red cloth with gilt-edged pages, completed only two days before the publication date of 19 December 1843. Following publication, Dickens arranged for the manuscript to be bound in red Morocco leather and presented as a gift to his solicitor, Thomas Mitton. By the end of 1842 Dickens was a well-established author, having written six major works, as well as several short stories, novellas and other pieces. On 31 December that year he began publishing his novel Martin Chuzzlewit as a monthly serial; the novel was his favourite work, but sales were disappointing and he faced temporary financial difficulties.

Essay A Christmas Carol

Indeed the fluid movement of time throughout the story suggests that in terms of humanity it is not the “when” that is important; it is only the “what” that one should concern himself with. His many characters allegorize the traditional values Dickens is concerned with in the past, present and future. Ebenezer Scrooge is perhaps the most allegorical among them. Albeit in crisscross order, we see Scrooge’s progression and depression throughout his time as a schoolboy into his elderly, miserly years.

a christmas carol essay

Scrooge continues to grow more sensitive towards others and their feelings as he visits with the Ghost of Christmas Present. The Ghost reveals to Scrooge two wretched, miserable children who scare him by their appearance. The children, Ignorance and Want, show another example of the fact that not everyone is well off financially and is also a warning that the future is harmful. When the Ghost takes Scrooge to his nephews house, Scrooge listens and hears that he is sorry for him because he is the one who suffers for all of his ill whims.

The Episodes Of Christmas As Highlighted In “a Christmas Carol”

Dickens combines a description of hardships faced by the poor with a heart-rending sentimental celebration of the Christmas season. The novel contains dramatic and comic element as well as a deep felt moral theme. In the beginning of the novel Ebenezer Scrooge is portrayed as a hardhearted and… However, this view is limited to Lucy and does not feature largely in the rest of the work. The Moonstone argues that the work that the poor perform is just as notable, and worthy of praise and respect, as any other type of work. In its descriptions of Gabriel Betteredge, the steward of the Verinder house, the work shows that his position – while working-class – is just as important as any other type of work, such as work in politics.